Spring, 1943

"Funkhouser began publishing a four-page political monthly, the Jefferson Republican, which ladles out warmed-over arguments against the New Deal written by Funkhouser or scissored from his favorite editors, much of it from the Chicago Tribune. Its tone may be deduced from the opening sentence of the leading article in the first issue:

"How far do they have to go - this mob of political parasites called the New Deal - before the average American gets really sick and tired and decides to clean out the whole dirty mess?"

"Editor Funkhouser sends the paper free to all applicants. He started with a list of 3000. So many requests for copies were received that the second issue, in June, called for a printing of 8000. He hopes to be mailing 75,000 by the end of the year. As it costs a cent and a quarter for postage alone, the Jefferson Republican gives every promise of developing into a very expensive hobby." (SAT. EVE. POST)